Spanish Conference on e-Science Grid Computing, Madrid (España). 01-02 marzo 2007
The large network of compromised computers currently available can be used to run complex algorithms in order to solve problems considered to be beyond current computational power. A distribute algorithm for obtaining prime number is presented. The algorithm was run in a grid system to obtain all prime numbers up to 2^40, measuring execution times and storage requirements. Extrapolating the results to larger limits it was found that using zombie networks it is possible to obtain prime number up to a limit of 2^50. The main conclusion is that using this technique, low transfer rates and storage capabilities are the current limiting factors, surpassing the limited computing power.
Palabras clave: No disponible / Not available
Publicado en Proceedings of the Spanish Conference on e-Science Grid Computing, March 1-2, 2007. Madrid (Spain), pp: 107-114, ISBN: 978-84-7834-544-1
Fecha de publicación: 2007-03-02.
R. Palacios, Using a grid to evaluate the threat of zombie networks against asymmetric encryption algorithms, Spanish Conference on e-Science Grid Computing, Madrid (España). 01-02 marzo 2007. En: Proceedings of the Spanish Conference on e-Science Grid Computing, March 1-2, 2007. Madrid (Spain), ISBN: 978-84-7834-544-1